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Risultati 20-40 di 632

Principles of quantum mechanics

nonrelativistic wave mechanics with illustrative applications

  • Houston, William Vermillion

Meccanica quantistica

  • Davydov, Alexandr Sergeevic

Relativistic quantum theory

Part 2

  • Lifšic, Evgenij Mihajlovič

Observation and interpretation in the philosophy of physics

with special reference to quantum mechanics : proceedings of the ninth Symposium of the Colston Research Society held in the University of Bristol April 1st - April 4th, 1957

  • Colston research society

Quantum-classical correspondence

dynamical quantization and the classical limit

  • Bolivar, A.O.

Quantum mechanics [+]

non-relativistic theory

  • Landau, Lev Davidovic

The theory of fundamental processes

a lecture note volume

  • Feynman, Richard P.

Quantum mechanics

new approaches to selected topics

  • Lipkin, Harry J.