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Risultati 160-180 di 632

Buon compleanno Albert!

conversazioni di cultura scientifica e di didattica della fisica nella scuola : Sala riunioni I.T.I. A. Malignani, Udine : [Udine, 14 marzo 1990-1996]

Classical and quantum dynamics [+]

from classical paths to path integrals

  • Dittrich, Walter

Mécanique quantique

  • Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude

Applied quantum mechanics

  • Levi, Anthony Frederic John


quantum mechanics of particles with fractional statistics

  • Lerda, Alberto

Geometric quantization

  • Woodhouse, Nicholas M. J.

Physique quantique mésoscopique

Les Houches, session 61., 28 juin-29 juillet 1994

  • Ecole d'ete de physique theorique 61. Les Houches 1994

Bell nonlocality

  • Scarani, Valerio

Theory of quantum transport at nanoscale

an introduction

  • Ryndyk, Dmitry A.

A theory of determinism

the mind, neuroscience, and life-hopes

  • Honderich, Ted

Open questions in quantum physics

invited papers on the foundations of microphysics : [proc. from a workshop, held in Bari, Italy, in the Dept. of Physics of the University, during May 1983]