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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 440-460 di 8759

Climatic constraints and human activities

task force on the nature of climate and society research, february 4-6 1980

Atti del VII Convegno annuale dell'Associazione geofisica italiana

Roma, 7-9 novembre 1959

  • Convegno annuale dell'Associazione geofisica italiana 7. Roma 1957

Dynamics of climate

the proceedings of a Conference on the application of numerical integration techniques to the problem of the general circulation, held October 26-28, 1955

  • Conference on the application of numerical integration techniques to the problem of the general circulation 1955

Continental extension

s339 block 2

  • The Open University

Climatic variations and variability

facts and theories

  • International School Of Climatology

Climate and energy systems

a review of their interactions

  • Jäger, Jill

Applied climatology

an introduction

  • Griffiths, John F.

Les nuages

  • Clausse, Roger

Commission de climatologie

Rapport final abrègè de la troisiéme session, Londres, 1-15 dècembre 1960

  • Organisation meteorologique mondiale

Prolegomeni di geologia e idrogeologia con note di idrotecnica

per studenti di medicina, farmacia, scienze biologiche

  • Federici, Pier Carlo

Guide des pratiques climatologiques


Deep and early crustal processes

s339 block 5

  • The Open University