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Risultati 360-380 di 8759

Landslide recognition

identification, movement and causes

Sedimentary processes

processes of detrital sedimentation : selected papers reprinted from Journal of sedimentary petrology and Society of economic paleontologists and mineralogists special publications

  • Klein, George deVries

Dunes of the European coasts

geomorphology, hydrology, soils

  • Bakker, Th. W.

Geologic cross sections

  • Langstaff, Cynthia Shauer

Soils and landscape evolution

proceedings of the 21. Binghamton symposium in geomorphology, held 6-7 October, 1990

  • Symposium in geomorphology 21 Binghamton 1990

New views on an old planet

continental drift and the history of Earth

  • Van Andel, Tjeerd H. 1923-

Lessons in seismic computing

a memorial to the author Morris Miller Slotnick

Metodologie d'indagine sull'erosione costiera

il caso Abruzzo e Molise : the case of Abruzzo e Molise

Acque sotterranee

ricerche, sfruttamento, conservazione

  • Bardelli, Umberto

Il bacino dell'Arno

  • Accademia dei Georgofili

Earth's Climate Evolution

  • Summerhayes, Colin P.