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Risultati 340-360 di 8759

Visioni geomorfologiche della Sardegna

pubblicate in occasione del XII Congresso geografico italiano

  • Vardabasso, Silvio

Apport de la géochimie des éléments en traces aux problèmes suivants

1 - caractérisation des métabasites des groupes leptyno-amphiboliques du Massif Central (Haut-allier, Mavejols, Rouergue) : 2 - genèse des ignimbrites de Toscane

  • Giraud, Alain

Gravity, deformation and the Earth's crust

as studied by centrifuged models

  • Ramberg, Hans

Environmental isotope data no 8

World survey of isotope concentration in precipitation (1980-1983) : report from a network

Volcanics soils

weathering and landscape relationships of soils on tephra and basalt

Plateaux et collines de Lucanie orientale et des Pouilles

étude morphologique : these presentée devant L'Université de Paris IV, 10 decembre 1974

  • Neboit, René

Introduction to geology


  • Read, H.H.

Landslides [+]

proceedings of the fifth international symposium on landslides : Lausanne, 10-15 july 1988

Simple geological structures [+]

a series of notes and map exercises

  • Platt, John I.


  • Passchier, Cornelis Willem

Meteorologia e strumenti

guida pratica alla conoscenza dei fenomeni meteorologici e dei criterii per la loro osservazione e misura

  • Cicala, Aldo

The Continental crust

its composition and evolution : an examination of the geochemical record preserved in sedimentary rocks

  • Taylor, Stuart Ross

Arc of the sun

adventures of a petroleum geologist

  • Flores, Giovanni