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Risultati 300-320 di 1146

Proceedings of the 28th EGAS Conference of the European group for stomic spectroscopy

Technische universität Graz, Austria, 16-19, July 1996

  • European group for atomic spectroscopy

Interaction of radiation with matter

a volume in honour of Adriano Gozzini

CP violation

its implications to particle physics and cosmology : proceedings of the third KEK topical conference on CP violation, its implications to particle physics and cosmology, KEK, Tsukuba (Japan), 16-18 November 1993

  • KEK topical conference on CP violation, its implications to particle physics and cosmology 3. Tsukuba 1993

Physics of atomic collisions.

Vol. 51: Proceedings of the P. N. Lebedev Physics Institute

Annual report 2009

  • Istituto nazionale di fisica nucleareLaboratori nazionali di Legnaro

Particle size

measurement, interpretation, and application

  • Irani, Riyad R.

Color symmetry and quark confinement

proceedings of the twelfth Rencontre de Moriond

  • Rencontre de Moriond 12. Flaine (France) 1977

Neutrino and astroparticle physics

proceedings of the 6th topical seminar on neutrino and astroparticle physics, San Miniato (Pisa), Italy, 17-21 May 1999

  • Topical seminar on neutrino and astroparticle physics 6th San Miniato, Italy 1999

Physics of fast and intermediate reactors

proceedings of the seminar on the physics of fast and intermediate reactors sponsored by the International atomic energy agency and held in Vienna, 3-11 August 1961

  • Seminar on the physics of fast and intermediate reactors Vienna 1961