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Risultati 340-360 di 1146

The 10th international conference on supersymmetry and unification of fundamental interactions

[DESY, Hamburg, June 17-23, 2002]

  • International conference on supersymmetry and unification of fundamental interactions 10. Hamburg 2002

Atomics for the millions

  • Eidinoff, Maxwell Leigh

Grundlagen der Atomphysik

eine Einführung in das Studium der Wellenmechanik

  • Bauer, Hans Adolf

Transport theory and advanced reactor calculations

final report of the six-year co-ordinated research programme by the International atomic energy agency

  • International atomic energy agency

Convegno di fisica nucleare, ottobre 1931

  • Convegno di fisica nucleare Roma 1931

The evolution of cern between 1981 and 1988

a status report presented by the director-general to the Cern council in december 1988 : Cern report 89-02

  • Schopper, H.