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Risultati 320-340 di 1146

Fourth International conference on atomic physics

abstracts of contributed papers : Heidelberg, July 22-26, 1974

  • International conference on atomic physics 4. Heidelberg 1974

Atomic physics 3

proceedings of the third international conference on Atomic physics, August 7-11, 1972, Boulder, Colorado

  • International conference on Atomic physics 3. Boulder, Colo. 1972

Journal de physique.

Vol. 45: Workshop on semiclassical methods in nuclear physics

Photodisintegration of nuclei in the giant resonance region.

Vol. 36: Proceedings of the P. N. Lebedev Physics Institute

1998 European school of high-energy physics

St. Andrews, Scotland, 23 August-5 September 1998 : proceedings

  • European school of high-energy physics St. Andrews 1998

1997 European School of High-Energy Physics

Menstrup, Denmark : 25 May - 7 June 1997

Sezione nucleare

giugno 1957

  • Rassegna internazionale elettronica nucleare 4. Roma 1957

Proceedings of the second International symposium on nuclear excited states

Lódz, June 22 - 26, 1992

  • International symposium on nuclear excited states 2. Lódz 1992

An overview of gravitational waves

theory, sources and detection

  • Auǵer, Gerard

XVII international conference on atomic physics

conference abstracts : Firenze, Italy, June 4-9, 2000

  • International conference on atomic physics 17. Firenze 2000