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Risultati 400-420 di 5317

La nuova Russia

dibattito culturale e modello di società in costruzione

  • Levin, Ilja

Regime and society in twentieth-century Russia

selected papers from the fifth world congress of Central and East European studies, Warsaw, 1995

  • World congress of Central and East European studies 5th Warsaw 1995

Mihail Scerbatov

  • Artem'eva, Tat'jana Vladimirovna

Proishozdenie russkogo naroda

velikorusskogo, ukrainskogo, belorusskogo

  • Derzavin, N.S

Sulla via d'Ottobre

  • Lenin, Vladimir Il'ic

G.V. Plechanov

sud'ba russkogo marksista

  • Tjutjukin, Georgij Vasil'evic

Contending with stalinism

Soviet power and popular resistance in the 1930s


memoirs of a non-belonger

  • Pipes, Richard

Politbjuro CK RKP(b)-VKP(b)

povestki dnja zasedanij, 1919-1952 : katalog v trech tomach

Novgorod v kul'ture Drevnej Rusi

materialy ctenij po drevnerusskoj literature (Novgorod, 16-19 maja 1995 goda)

L'anello baltico

profilo delle nazioni baltiche : Lituania, Lettonia, Estonia

  • Dini, Pietro Umberto