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Risultati 320-340 di 5317

Nicolas II

  • Ferro, Marc

L'avanguardia delle riforme

i burocrati illuminati in Russia, 1825-1861

  • Lincoln, Bruce

K istorii russkih revoljucij

sobytija, mnenija, ocenki : [pamjati I.I. Minca]

Die Sowjetunion im Zweiten Weltkrieg

die Mobilisierung von Verwaltung, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im "Grossen Vaterländischen Krieg", 1941-1943

  • Segbers, Klaus


1941-1945 Operazione Barbarossa

  • Carell, Paul

The Kingdom of Rus'

  • Raffensperger, Christian

Tangled loyalties

the life and times of Ilya Ehrenburg

  • Rubenstein, Joshua

Is Russia reformable?

Change and resistance from Stalin to Gorbachev

  • Daniels, Robert Vincent

Religiozno-filosofskoe obscestvo v Sankt-Peterburge (Petrograde)

istorija v materialah i dokumentah v treh tomah 1907-1917

The Holocaust in the Soviet Union

studies and sources on the destruction of the Jews in the Nazi-occupied territories of the USSR, 1941-1945

Rasskazy o Petre Velikom ; Рассказы о Петре Великом

po avtorskoj rukopisi : по авторской рукописи

  • Nartov, Andrej Andreevic


a life

  • Colton, Timothy

Between tsar and people

educated society and the quest for public identity in late imperial Russia

Bolcheviks et jacobins

itinéraire des analogies

  • Kondrat'eva, Tamara