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Risultati 360-380 di 5317

L'idea di Roma a Mosca secoli XV-XVI

fonti per la storia del pensiero sociale russo

The saga of Leon Trotsky

his clandestine operations and his assassination

  • Mahoney, Harry Thayer

Gosudarstvennye dejateli Rossijskoj imperii ; Государственные деятели Российской империи [+]

glavy vysših i central'nyh učreždenij. 1802-1917 : bibliografičeskij spravočnik : главы высших и центральных учреждений. 1802-1917 : библиографический справочник

  • Silov, Denis Nikolaevic

The Russian revolution of 1905 in transcultural perspective

identities, peripheries, and the flow of ideas

The making of Jewish revolutionaries in the pale of settlement

community and identity during the Russian Revolution and its immediate aftermath, 1905-07

  • Shtakser, Inna

Extending the borders of Russian history

essays in honor of Alfred J. Rieber

Sem’ voždej ; Семь вождей

Galereja liderov SSSR : v 2-h knigah : Галерея лидеров СССР : в 2-х книгах. Кн.1

  • Volkogonov, Dmitrij Antonovic

Specoperacii ; Спецоперации

Lubjanka i Kreml 1930-1950 gody : Лубянка и Кремль 1930-1950 годы

  • Sudoplatov, Pavel Anatolevic

Sudebnik Ivana III ; Судебник Ивана III

tradicija i reforma : традиция и реформа

  • Alekseev, Jurij Georgievic

La question macédonienne

(on doit aux peuples la Vérité)

  • Routier, Gaston

Thank you, comrade Stalin!

Soviet public culture from revolution to Cold War

  • Brooks, Jeffrey