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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 400-420 di 3321

Visible women

essays on feminist legal theory and political philosophy

Responsible selves

women in the Nordic legal culture

Womens rights cases

leading international cases

Women in academia and equality law

aiming high, falling short? : Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom

Women, law and human rights

an African perspective

  • Banda, Fareda

Percorsi di educazione al femminile

la storia del Conservatorio di S. Chiara in San Miniato : 1785-1900

  • Parente, Maurizio

La santa e la spudorata

Alessandrina Ravizza e Sibilla Aleramo : amicizia, politica e scrittura

  • Scaramuzza, Emma

Gender, family and sexuality

the private sphere in Italy, 1860-1945

Fertility transition and women_s life course in Mexico

  • Nazioni uniteDepartment for economic and social information and policy analysis

Women and human development

the capabilities approach

  • Nussbaum, Martha C.

Loves labor

essays on women, equality, and dependency

  • Kittay, Eva Feder

Gender, generation and poverty

exploring the feminisation of poverty in Africa, Asia and Latin America

  • Chant, Sylvia

Gender and poverty

new evidence from 10 developing countries

  • Quisumbing, Agnes R.