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Risultati 300-320 di 3321

Women, history & theory

the essays of Joan Kelly

  • Kelly, Joan

Womens education and fertility behaviour: a case-study of rural Maharashtra, India

  • Nazioni uniteDepartment of economic and social information and policy analysis

Die Tochter des Zeus

Frauen im alten Griechenland

  • Lefkowitz, Mary R.

Saintsʼ lives and womenʼs literary culture, c.1150-1300

virginity and its authorizations

  • Wogan-Browne, Jocelyn

Frauenwelten in der Antike

Geschlechterordnung und weibliche Lebenspraxis : mit 162 Quellentexten und Bildquellen

The other Enlightenment

how French women became modern

  • Hesse, Carla

The new Soviet man and woman

sex-role socialization in the USSR

  • Attwood, Lynne

Rabbis, lawyers, immigrants, thieves

exploring womens roles

  • Simon, Rita James

Elizabeth 1.

the competition for representation

  • Frye, Susan

Atti del 2. Convegno nazionale di studi su: La donna nel mondo antico

Torino, 18-19-20 aprile 1988

  • Convegno nazionale di studi su La donna nel mondo antico 2. Torino 1988

Women and World War 1.

the written response

Her share of the blessings

womens religions among pagans, jews, and christians in the greco-roman world

  • Kraemer, Ross Shepard

Fragmentation and redemption

essays on gender and the human body in medieval religion

  • Bynum, Caroline Walker

Sex, gender, and the politics of ERA

a State and the Nation

  • Mathews, Donald G.

Les droits de la femme

des origines a nos jours

  • Bensadon, Ney