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Risultati 500-520 di 3321

Libri di lettura per le donne

l'etica del lavoro nella letteratura di fine Ottocento

  • Chemello, Adriana

12: Aspetti della condizione femminile

istruzione, lavoro e famiglia

  • Istat

Die bessere hW1I0alfte?

Frauenbewegungen und Frauenbestrebungen im Ungarn der Habsburgermonarchie 1848 bis 1918

  • Zimmermann, Susan


women and the discourses of sciences

The challenge road

women and the Eritrean Revolution

  • Wilson, Amrit

Choice and consent

feminist engagements with law and subjectivity

  • Hunter, Rosemary

Exploiting the limits of law

Swedish feminism and the challange to pessimism

The limits of bodily integrity

abortion, adultery and rape legislation in comparative perspective

  • Miller, Ruth A.

Gender and environment

  • Buckingham-Hatfield, Susan

Frauen in der Antike

Weibliche Lebenswelten von Sappho bis Theodora

  • Hartmann, Elke

Cles pour le feminin

femme, mere, amante et fille

Allez les filles|

  • Baudelot, Christian

Constitutional context

women and rights discourse in nineteenth-century America

  • Sullivan, Kathleen S.

Gender and genius

towards a feminist aesthetics

  • Battersby, Christine

Sexual visions

images of gender in science and medicine between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries

  • Jordanova, Ludmilla J.