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Risultati 600-620 di 1765

Human rights and the end of empire

Britain and the genesis of the European Convention

  • Simpson, Alfred William Brian

Il diritto umanitario

al di là della soglia dei conflitti armati : situazioni di tensioni e disordini interni, sommosse e atti di violenza

  • Arrigo, Gabriella

The making of international human rights

the 1960s, decolonization and the reconstruction of global values

Normative pluralism and human rights

social normativities in conflict

European human rights law

the Human Rights Act 1998 and the european convention on human rights

  • Starmer, Keir

La libertà è una lotta costante

Ferguson, la Palestina e le basi per un movimento

  • Davis, Angela Y.

The Human Rights Committee

its role in the development of the international covenant on civil and political rights

  • McGoldrick, Dominic

Group rights as human rights

A liberal approach to multiculturalism

Historical change and human rights

the Oxford Amnesty Lectures 1994

The anatomy of human rights in Israel

constitutional rhetoric and state practice

  • Meydani, Assaf

Whose responsibility?

a study of transnational defence rights and mutual recognition of judicial decisions within the EU

  • Thunberg Schunke, Malin

National human rights institutions in Europe

comparative, European and international perspectives

Diversity and European human rights

rewriting judgments of the ECHR

Understanding human rights

educational challenges for the future

  • Gerber, Paula