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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 540-560 di 1765

The frontiers of human rights

extraterritoriality and its challenges

Deconstructing the reconstruction

human rights and the rule of law in postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina

Islam and human rights

selected essays of Abdullahi An-Na'im

  • Naim, Abd Allah Ahmad 1946-

Menschenrechte, Demokratie und Frieden

Perspektiven globaler Organisation

  • Maus, Ingeborg

The Internet and constitutional law

the protection of fundamental rights and constitutional adjudication in Europe

Global Urban Justice

the Rise of Human Rights Cities

Nuove schiavitù e fede religiosa

(un confronto con Bartolomé de Las Casas e le schiavitù della prima modernità)

  • Tucci, Giuseppe 1940-