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Risultati 500-520 di 1765

Transitional justice and the prosecution of political leaders in the Arab region

a comparative study of Egypt, Lybia, Tunisia and Yemen

  • Aboueldahab, Noha

La portabilité du statut personnel dans l'espace européen

de l'émergence d'un droit fondamental à l'élaboration d'une méthode européenne de la reconnaissance

  • Pfeiff, Silvia

La tutela dei diritti fondamentali nell'ordinamento inglese

lo Human Rights Act 1998 e oltre

  • Sonelli, Silvia

Terrorismo e costituzionalismo

percorsi comparati

  • Bassu, Carla

The European Convention on Human Rights


  • Grabenwarter, Christoph

Protecting human rights in the EU

controversies and challenges of the charter of fundamental rights

Human rights law in Europe

the influence, overlaps and contradictions of EU and the ECHR

International human rights in context [+]

law, politics, morals : text and materials

  • Steiner, Henry J.