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Risultati 320-340 di 524

1992 FEE analysis of european accounting and disclosure practices

further analysis of the FEE european survey of published accounts 1991 database, focusing on differences in the practices of listed and unlisted companies and on special accounting issues

  • Fédération des experts comptables européens

Original pronouncements

accounting standards as of June 1, 2000

  • Financial accounting standards board

Company valuation under IFRS

interpreting and forecasting accounts using International Financial Reporting Standards

  • Antill, Nick

Financial reporting and statement analysis

a strategic perspective

  • Stickney, Clyde P.

International accounting

a survey

  • Samuels, John Malcolm

Global management accounting

a guide for executives of international corporations

  • Heely, James A.

Accounting history

some british contributions

La logismologia [+]

  • Ceccherelli, Alberto

Financial accounting

an introduction to concepts, methods and uses

  • Stickney, Clyde P.

The essentials of US GAAP

the american set accounting standards and the stakes in international harmonization

  • Bernheim, Yves

Accounting stadards

true or false?

  • Rayman, Robert Anthony