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Risultati 260-280 di 524

Presentation of items of other comprehensive income

proposed amendments to IAS 1 : exposure draft : comments to be received by 30 September 2010

  • International accounting standards board


comments to be received by 15 December 2010

  • International accounting standards board

Conceptual framework for financial reporting

the reporting entity : exposure draft : comments to be received by 16 July 2010

  • International accounting standards board

Contabile 2018

aggiornato al 12 settembre 2017

La contabilità generale

gli esercizi

  • Mazzotta, Romilda

Contabilità e bilancio

8 crediti

  • Buso, Paola

Contabilita dei costi e contabilita analitica

determinazioni quantitative e controllo di gestione

  • Selleri, Luigi

Cash flow accounting

international uses and abuses

  • Donleavy, Gabriel D.

Il processo di formazione dei principi contabili

esperienze a confronto

  • Berti, Fabrizio

Accounting for treasury products

a practical guide to accounting, tax and risk control

  • Tiner, John I.

International accounting summaries

a guide for interpretation and comparison

Accounting theory

  • Belkaoui, Ahmed Riahi

International group accounting

issues in European harmonization