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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 220-240 di 524

Summa contabile 2009

oltre 4000 scritture e casi professionali ...

  • Antonelli, Valerio

Double entry

how the merchants of Venice created modern finance

  • Gleeson-White, Jane

Financial instruments

classification and measurement : comments to be received by 14 September 2009

  • International accounting standards board

Rate-regulated activities

comments to be received by 20 November 2009

  • International accounting standards board

Accounting e potere

il contributo interpretativo del governmentality framework

  • Stacchezzini, Riccardo

Gli studi di financial accounting di matrice nordamericana

fondamenti epistemologici e percorsi scientifici

  • Lionzo, Andrea

Contabile 2016

aggiornato al 21 settembre 2015

Revisione legale

individuazione dei rischi e test di valutazione, organizzazione dei controlli, adempimenti del collegio sindacale : aggiornato al 18 maggio 2015

Fair value measurement

comments to be received by 28 September 2009

  • International accounting standards board

Summa contabile 2013

4500 scritture in partita doppia; esempi compilati di Ddt, fatture e notule; fusioni, scissioni, trasformazioni e altre operazioni; casi, check-list e soluzioni operative; agenti, tabacchi, cooperative e altri settori

L'informativa di settore nel modello IAS/IFRS

profili teorici ed evidenze empiriche

  • Lucchese, Manuela

Accounting, organizations and institutions

essays in honour of Anthony Hopwood

Discount rate for employee benefits

proposed amendments to IAS 19 : comments to be received by 30 September 2009 : exposure draft

  • International accounting standards board

Classification of rights issues [+]

proposed amendment to IAS 32 : comments to be received by 7 September 2009 : exposure draft

  • International accounting standards board

International accounting standard 24

related party disclosures

  • International accounting standards board

International corporate reporting

a comparative approach

  • Roberts, Clare