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Risultati 120-140 di 1422

Planetary nebulae

a study of late stages of stellar evolution

  • Pottasch, Stuart Robert 1932-....

Il Lucidator dubitabilium astronomiae di Pietro d'Abano

opere scientifiche inedite

  • Pietro: d'Abano

De motu

studi di storia del pensiero su Galileo, Hegel, Huygens e Gilbert

The universe

  • Kleczek, Josip

Structures in the universe by exact methods

formation, evolution, interactions

Introduction to the theory of the early universe [+]

hot big bang theory

  • Gorbunov, Dmitry S.


Entwurf einer physichen Weltbeschreibung

  • Humboldt, Alexander: von

Topics in gravitational dynamics

solar, extra-solar and galactic systems

La strada che porta alla realtà

le leggi fondamentali dell'universo

  • Penrose, Roger

The road to reality

a complete guide to the laws of the universe

  • Penrose, Roger

Proceedings of Life in space for life on earth

8th European symposium on life sciences research in space : 23rd annual international gravitational physiology meeting : 2-7 june 2002, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

  • European Symposium on Life Sciences research in space 8. Stockholm 2002

Cosmology [+]

the origin and evolution of cosmic structure

  • Coles, Peter

The very early universe

proceedings of the Nuffield workshop, Cambridge 21 June to 9 July, 1982

Risultati 120-140 di 1422