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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 180-200 di 1422

The creation of matter

the universe from beginmimg to end

  • Fritzsch, Harald

Perfect symmetry [+]

  • Pagels, Heinz R.

Stars, minds and fate [+]

essays in ancient and medieval cosmology

  • North, J. D.

The fabric of the cosmos

space, time, and the texture of reality

  • Greene, Brian

Advances in astronomy

from the Big Bang to the Solar System

On the shores of the unknown

a short history of the universe

  • Silk, Joseph

Astronomical observations from space vehicles

International Astronomical Union symposium no. 23 held in Liege, Belgium, 17 to 20 August 1964

  • International astronomical union

Ripples in the cosmos

a view behind the scenes of the new cosmology

  • Rowan-Robinson, Michael

The earth, the planets and the stars

their birth and evolution

  • Edgeworth, K. E.

Le monde des spheres

  • Lerner, Michel Pierre