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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 100-120 di 1422

Precision cosmology

the first half million years

  • Jones, Bernard J.T.


structure of the universe

  • Roy, Archie E.

L'universo stellato

trattato di astronomia popolare

  • Meyer, Guglielmo

Time's Arrow & Archimede's Point

new directions for the Physics of Time

  • Price, Huw

First light in the Universe

Saas-Fee Advanced Course 36 ; Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy

  • Loeb, Abraham

Imago mundi

la rappresentazione del cosmo attraverso i secoli

  • Bertola, Francesco 1937-

At home in the universe

  • Wheeler, John Archibald

Principles of physical cosmology

  • Peebles, Phillip James Edwin

The anthropic principle

proceedings of the 2. Venice conference on cosmology and philosophy

  • Venice conference on cosmology and philosophy 2. Venezia 1987

Cosmology [+]

  • Bondi, Hermann

Cosmology and astrophysics

throughs problems

  • Padmanabhan, Thanu

Questions to the universe

ten lectures on the foundations of physics and cosmology

  • Heller, Michael

Risultati 100-120 di 1422