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Risultati 40-60 di 135

Food first

the myth of scarcity

  • Lappé, Frances Moore

Food for the future

conditions and contradictions of sustainability

Il sistema agroalimentare in Italia

i grandi cambiamenti e le tendenze recenti

  • Fanfani, Roberto

Le probleme de l'alimentation

  • Società delle NazioniComité mixte pour le problème de l'alimentation

Feeding the world

a challenge for the twenty-first century

  • Smil, Vaclav

Alimentazione e sviluppo economico

fame e malnutrizione nel mondo, 1950-1980

  • Grigg, David

Dialoghi sul commercio dei grani [+]

  • Galiani, Ferdinando 1728-1787

Le système alimentaire mondial

concepts et methodes, analyses et dynamiques

  • Rastoin, Jean Louis

Let Them Eat Junk

How Capitalism Creates Hunger and Obesity

  • Albritton, Robert

Food and nutrition economics

fundamentals for health sciences

  • Davis, George Carroll

Creating food futures [+]

trade, ethics and the environment

  • Farnworth, Cathy

The food economy

global issues and challenges. edited by Frank Bunte, Hans Dagevos

  • Bunte, Frank

Food politics

what everyone needs to know

  • Paarlberg, Robert

Local agri-food systems in a global world

market, social and environmental challenges

World food production

facing growing needs and limited resources