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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 520-540 di 2307

Theory building in sociology

assessing theoretical cumulation

Moderno e postmoderno

crisi di identità di una cultura e ruolo della sociologia

The politics of field research

sociology beyond enlightenment

Sociological dilemmas

toward a dialectic paradigm

  • Sztompka, Piotr

Social researching

politics, problems, practice

  • Bell, Colin

Sociological methods

a sourcebook

  • Denzin, Norman K.

Prophets and patrons

the French university and the emergence of the social sciences

  • Clark, Terry Nichols

El asedio a la modernidad

critica del relativismo cultural

  • Sebreli, Juan Jose

2: Schemata

  • Wisdom, J. O.

Analyzing social settings

a guide to qualitative observation and analysis

Kunst, Macht und Institution

Studien zur Philosophischen Anthropologie, soziologischen Theory und Kultursoziologie der Moderne ; Festschrift fur Karl-Siegbert Rehberg

Understanding and prediction

essays in the methodology of social and behavioral theories

  • Nowak, Stefan

A sociologia e a sociedade portuguesa na viragem do seculo

Actas do 1. Congresso Portugues de Sociologia

Descriptive and inferential statistics

an introduction

  • Loether, Herman J.

Social research methods

qualitative and quantitative approaches

  • Neuman, William Lawrence