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Risultati 500-520 di 2307

Three latin american sociologists

Gino Germani, Pablo Gonzales[sic] Casanova, Fernando Henrique Cardoso

  • Kahl, Joseph Alan

A statistical model

Frederick Mostellers contributions to statistics, science and public policy

Die Gegenwartsaufgaben der Soziologie

ihre Lehrgestalt

  • Mannheim, Karl

Le declin du social

formation et crise des politiques de la vieillesse

  • Guillemard, Anne-Marie

The research act

a theoretical introduction to sociological methods

  • Denzin, Norman K.

Mundane reason

reality in everiday and sociological discourse

  • Pollner, Melvin

Shifting involvements

private interest and public action

  • Hirschman, Albert O.

Learning from the field

a guide from experience

  • Whyte, William Foote