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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 460-480 di 2307


  • Parker, John 1946-

The fragmented world of the social

essays in social and political philosophy

  • Honneth, Axel

Tricks of the trade

how to think about your research while you're doing it

  • Becker, Howard S.

Contested knowledge

social theory in the postmodern era

  • Seidman, Steven

Concettualizzazione e spiegazione sociologica

il modello nomologico-inferenziale e la sua applicabilità alle scienze sociali

  • Fasanella, Antonio

Scenari infranti

conformismo, marginalità, anonimato nell'America urbana

  • Caccamo De Luca, Rita

Sociology, race and ethnicity

a critique of American ideological intrusions upon sociological theory

  • Bash, Harry H.

Mondi da vedere

verso una sociologia più visuale

Focus groups

supporting effective product development

Max Weber and the Jewish question

a study of the social outlook of his sociology

  • Abraham, Gary A.

El nacimiento de la sociología empírica en la Argentina

el instituto de sociología, facultad de filosofia y letras (UBA), 1940-54

  • González Bollo, Hernán

Twenty lectures

sociological theory since world war 2.

  • Alexander, Jeffrey C.