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Risultati 120-140 di 849

Sedimentology of shale

study guide and reference source

  • Potter, Paul Edwin

Géologie sédimentaire

les séries marines

  • Lombard, Augustin

Rocce sedimentarie

guida alla descrizione sugli affioramenti rocciosi

  • Tucker, Maurice E.

Sixth hutton symposium on the origin of granites and related rocks

proceedings of a symposium held in stellenbosch South Africa 2-6 july 2007

Thermoluminescence of geological materials

proceedings of a NATO advanced research Institute on applications of thermoluminescence to geological problems

Les roches

  • Cailleux, André

Physical principles of sedimentology

a readable textbook for beginners and experts

  • Hsü, Kenneth J.


insoluble organic matter from sedimentary rocks

Physical properties of rocks

fundamentals and principles of petrophysics

  • Schön, Jürgen H.


from segregation of melt to emplacement fabrics

  • Bouchez, Jean-Luc

British petrography

with special reference to the igneous rocks

  • Teall, J.J.H.