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I. Untersuchung des vor Enderby-Land gedredschten Gesteinsmateriales

  • Zirkel, Ferdinand


orogenic andesites and related rocks


  • Ashwal, Lewis D.

Experimental and natural rock deformation

proceedings of the international Symposium: Darmstadt, February 17-18, 1969

Cours de pétrographie sédimentaire

les sédiments, les roches sédimentaires et leur genèse

  • Bourcart, Jacques

Die Entstehung der Gesteine

ein Lehrbuch der Petrogenese

Salt deposits

the origin, metamorphism and deformation of evaporites

  • Borchert, Hermann

Physical processes in geology

a method for interpretation of natural phenomena-intrusions in igneous rocks, fractures and folds, flow of debris and ice

  • Johnson, Arvid M.

Igneous petrology

  • Carmichael, Ian S.E.

Asmosia III Athens

transactions of the 3rd international symposium of the Association for the study of marble and other stones used in. The study of marble and other stones used in antiquity

The origin of granites

a symposium celebrating the bicentenary of the work of James Hutton

Assemblage ophiolitique du Baer-Bassit et termes effusifs du volcano-sédimentaire

pétrologie d'un fragment de la croute océanique tethysienne charriée sur la plate-forme syrienne

  • Parrot, Jean Francois