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Risultati 80-100 di 849

The origin of metamorphic and metasomatic rocks

a treatise on recrystallization and replacement in the Earth's crust

  • Ramberg, Hans

Précis de pétrographie [+]

roches sédimentaires métamorphiques et éruptives

  • Jung, Jean

The nomenclature of petrology [+]

with references to selected literature

  • Holmes, Arthur

Theoretical petrology [+]

  • Barth, Thomas Fredrik Weiby

Experimental petrology

basic principles and techniques

  • Edgar, Alan D.

Rock physics & phase relations

a handbook of physical constants

Magmas, rocks and planetary development

a survey of magma/igneous rock systems

  • Middlemost, Eric A.K.


igneous, sedimetary, and metamorphic

  • Blatt, Harvey

Sedimentary petrology

an introduction to the origin of sedimentary rocks

  • Tucker, Maurice E.