
Titolo: The Project physics course

Autore principale: Holton, Gerald ; Rutherford, F. James ; Watson, Fletcher G.

Unita 2: Moto nei cieli
Unita 1, Il moto. Unita 3, Il trionfo della meccanica
Unita 4, La luce e l'elettromagnetismo. Unita 5, I modelli dell'atomo

Le 9 pubblicazioni ordinate per anno crescente

  • The Project physics course

    Holton, Gerald Bologna ; Zanichelli
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  • The Project physics course

    Holton, Gerald Bologna ; Zanichelli
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  • The project physics course

    Holton, Gerald New York etc. : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970
  • The Project Physics Course

    Holton, Gerald Bologna : Zanichelli, c1974-1977

    Fa parte di: La fisica di Berkeley

  • The Project physics course

    Holton, Gerald Bologna ; Zanichelli
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  • The Project Physics Course

    HOLTON, Gerald Bologna : Zanichelli, c1974-1978
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  • The Project Physics Course

    HOLTON, Gerald Bologna : Zanichelli, c1974-1977
  • The project physics course

    Holton, Gerald Bologna ; Zanichelli, 1974-
  • The Project physics course

    Holton, Gerald Bologna : Zanichelli, 1974-1978

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Record aggiornato il: 2021-09-10T14:24:22.048Z