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Risultati 80-100 di 271

The evolution of homo erectus

comparative anatomical studies of an extinct human species

  • Rightmire, G. Philip

Continuity and discontinuity in the peopling of Europe

one hundred fifty years of Neanderthal study : proceedings of the international congress to comme morate "150 years of Neanderthal discoveries, 1856-2006"...

Humanity from African naissance to coming millennia

colloquia in human biology and palaeoanthropology

Studying human origins

disciplinary history and epistemology

Paleontology and geology of Laetoli

human evolution on context

  • Harrison, Terry


  • Tobias, Phillip V.

Dal Neandertal allo Hobbit

fossili e idee controcorrente

  • Formicola, Vincenzo


a research project on human origins : 1995-2005

Man-ape ape-man

the quest for humanʼs place in nature and Duboisʼ Missing Link

  • Leakey, Richard E.

Man-ape ape-man

1893-1993 : Pithecanthropus in het Pesthuis, Leiden : exhibition to commemorate the discovery of Pithecanthropus erectus by Eugene Dubois in 1893

  • Bouquet, Mary

Les premiers représentants du genre Homo en Afrique

Homo rudolfensis, Homo habilis

  • Prat, Sandrine

The colloquia of the 13. International congress of prehistoric and protohistoric sciences

Forlì (Italia), 8-14 September 1996

  • International congress of prehistoric and protohistoric sciences 13. Forlì 1996

Paleontologia umana

evoluzione, adattamento, cultura

  • Drusini, Andrea G.

Le origini dell'uomo

lo stato attuale delle ricerche e dell'interpretazione

  • Leakey, Richard E.

Four million years of hominid evolution in Africa

papers in honour of Dr. Mary Douglas Leakey's outstanding contribution in paleoanthropology