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Risultati 60-80 di 271

Corps, travail et statut social

l'apport de la paléoanthropologie funéraire aux sciences historiques

Early man in the far east

a Symposium of the American Association of Pysical Anthropologists and the American Anthropological Association, December 28, 1946

The Krapina hominids

an illustrated catalog of skeletal collection

The man who found the missing link

Eugene Dubois and his lifelong quest to prove darwin right

  • Shipman, Pat

The last Neanderthall

the rise, success and mystarious extinction of our closest human relatives

  • Tattersall, Ian

The Neandertal enigma

solving the mistery of modern human origins

  • Shreeve, James

Paleopatologia del craneo

en Cataluna, Valencia y Baleares

  • Campillo, Domingo

Les hommes fossiles

éléments de paléontologie humaine

  • Boule, Marcellin

Forbidden archeology

the hidden history of the human race

  • Cremo, Michael A.

Preistoria dell'uomo

la nuova archeologia

  • Binford, Lewis Robert

I resti umani nello scavo archeologico

metodiche di recupero e studio : intesa di programma CNR-MISM, Progetto strategico Tecnologie moderne per la conservazione dei beni culturali

Die Gletschermumie aus der Kupferzeit 2

neue Forschungsergebnisse zum Mann aus dem Eis