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Risultati 220-240 di 1256

Confronting global terrorism and American neo-conservatism

the framework of a liberal grand strategy

  • Farer, Tom J.

Etica del terrore

da Fëdor Dostoevskij a Thomas Mann

  • Strada, Vittorio

Civil rights in wartime

the post-9/11 Sikh experience

  • Sidhu, Dawinder S.


commento organico al D.L. 18 febbraio 2015, n. 7, convertito in L. 17 aprile 2015, n. 43

  • Conz, Andrea 1969-

The looming tower

Al-Qaeda's road to 9/11

  • Wright, Lawrence

The OIC, the UN, and counter-terrorism law-making

conflicting or cooperative legal orders?

  • Samuel, Katja

A high price

the triumphs and failures of Israeli counterterrorism

  • Byman, Daniel

The 9/11 effect

comparative counter-terrorism

  • Roach, Kent

Kadi on trial

a multifaceted analysis of the Kadi trial

The origins of the US war on terror

Lebanon, Libya and American intervention in the Middle East

  • Toaldo, Mattia

Terrorismo: algunas cuestiones pendientes

(moral, derecho y política; manipulación lingüística: lenguaje jurídico y lenguaje político; discrepancias sobre el concepto y la naturaleza del terrorismo ...) : última lección académica del profesor emérito doctor Francisco Bueno Arús, pronunciada en el Aula Magna de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ICADE), Madrid, el día 7 mayo 2008

  • Bueno Arus, Francisco

The sociology of terrorism

peoples, places and processes

  • Vertigans, Stephen

The labour of memory

memorial culture and 7/7

  • Allen, Matthew