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Risultati 240-260 di 1256

The terrorist list

  • Mickolus, Edward F.

The confrontation

winning the war against future jihad

  • Phares, Walid 1957-

Los delitos de terrorismo

estructura típica e injusto

  • Cancio Meliá, Manuel

Re-imagining the war on terror

seeing, waiting, travelling

  • Hill, Andrew 1974-

Justifying war?

from humanitarian intervention to counterterrorism

The mind of the terrorist

the psychology of terrorism from the IRA to al-Qaeda

  • Post, Jerrold M.

Just war on terror?

a Christian and Muslim response

Terrorist financing

the failure of counter measures

  • Ridley, Nick

La lotta multilivello al terrorismo internazionale

garanzia di sicurezza versus tutela dei diritti fondamentali

  • Di Stasio, Chiara

Taking liberties

the war on terror and the erosion of american democracy

  • Herman, Susan N.

Terrorismo e costituzionalismo

percorsi comparati

  • Bassu, Carla