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Risultati 160-180 di 681


  • Cattaneo, Carlo fisico 1860-1912

Thermodynamics and constitutive equations

lectures given at the 2nd 1982 session of the Centro internazionale matematico estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Noto, Italy, June 23-July 2, 1982

Esercitazioni di fisica generale 1

esercizi e problemi risolti di meccanica e termodinamica

  • Picasso, Luigi E

Technik der tiefen Temperaturen

  • Lammeren, Johannus Antonius van


  • Vanderslice, Joseph T.


the significance of the concept of entropy and its applications in science and technology

  • Fast, Johan Diedrich

Handbuch der physik.

Vol. 15: Kaltephysik 2