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Risultati 100-120 di 681

Modern university physics

Vol. 1, Mechanics and thermodynamics


  • Reynolds, William Craig

Symposium on design for elevated temperature environmental

held as part of the ASME first National congress on pressure vessels an piping, May 10-12, 1971, San Francisco, California

Theory and fundamental research in heat transfer

proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, November 1960

  • American society of mechanical engineers

Application of thermodynamics to petrology and ore deposits

a short course sponsored by the Mineralogical association of Canada and held immediately prior to the 1977 annual meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, April 22. - 24.


  • Obert, Edward Frederic

Heat [+]

  • Poynting, John Henry

Appunti di fisica tecnica

Termodinamica statistica

  • Casarosa, Claudio

Meccanica dei fluidi e termologia


  • Ragozzino, Ezio

Risultati 100-120 di 681