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Risultati 140-160 di 385

Symmetries in physics

group theory applied to physical problems

  • Ludwig, Wolfgang

Lattice 2001

proceedings of the 19th international symposium on lattice field theory, Berlin, Germany, 19-24 August 2001

  • International symposium on lattice field theory 19. Berlin 2001

2011 electroweak interactions and unified theories

proceedings of the XLVIth rencontres de Moriond : electroweak interactions and unified theories : La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy, March 13-20, 2011

  • Rencontre de Moriond 46. La Thuile, Aosta Valley 2011

Broken scale invariance and the light cone

lectures fron the coral gables conference on fundamental interactions at high energy, January 20-22, 1971

  • Coral gables conference on fundamental interactions at high energy 8. Miami 1971

Gauge gravitation theory

  • Sardanasvili, Gennadij Aleksandrovic

Constructive quantum field theory

the 1973 "Ettore Majorana" International school of mathematical physics

Fields and particles

field theory and dispersion relations

  • Nishijima, Kazuhiko