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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 60-80 di 385

Dispersion relation dynamics

a phenomenological introduction to S-matrix theory

  • Burkhardt, Hugh

Quantum gravity 2

a second Oxford symposium

Relativistic action at a distance: classical and quantum aspects

proceedings of a workshop held in Barcelona (Spain), June 15-21, 1981

Lattice 92

proceedings of the international symposium on lattice field theory : Amsterdam, the Netherlands 15-19 september 1992

  • International symposium on lattice field theory Amsterdam 1992

Introduction aux champs quantiques et aux problèmes a n-corps

enseignement du Troisième cycle de la physique en Suisse Romande, année académique 1977/78

  • Martin, Philippe-André

Many-body aspects in solids

1-21 settembre 1966, Istituto di Fisica dell'Università di Perugia

  • Lundquist, Stig

Loops and legs in quantum field theory

proceedings of the 5th Zeuthen workshop on elementary particle theory, loops and legs in quantum field theory, Bastei, Germany 9-14 April, 2000

  • Workshop on elementary particle theory, loops and legs in quantum field theory 5. Bastei, Germany 2000

Random fields

rigorous results in statistical mechanics and quantum field theory

Physical and Nonstandard Gauges

Proceedings of a Workshop organized at the Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Technical University : Vienna, Austria, September 19-23, 1989