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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 60-80 di 1132

The growth delusion

wealth, poverty, and the well-being of nations

  • Pilling, David

World economic outlook

April 2013 : hopes, realities, risks

  • Fondo monetario internazionale

Models of economic growth

proceedings of a conference held by the international economic association at Jerusalem

Analytical development economics

the less developed economy revisited

  • Basu, Kaushik

The global dimension of economic evolution

knowledge variety and diffusion in economic growth and development

Libro verde sulla montagna toscana

verso la conferenza regionale

  • Irpet

World development report

1978-2007 : with selected world development indicators 2006

  • Banca mondiale

Cent ans de resistance au sous-developpement

l'industrialisation de l'Amerique Latine et du Moyen-Orient face au defi europeen 1770 - 1870 : Latin American andMiddle Eastern industrialization and the European challenge 1770 - 1870/ Jean Batou

  • Batou, Jean

Perspectives on economic development

essays in the honour of W. Arthur Lewis

The origins of development economics

how schools of economic thought have addressed development