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Risultati 40-60 di 454

Le intersezioni stradali a raso

linee guida per la progettazione e la gestione ai sensi del DM 19.4.2006, n. 1699 "Norme funzionali e geometriche per la cosatruzione delle intersezioni stradali"

Routes et développement

comptes rendus du colloque international, Paris, 22-25 mai 1984 : proceedings of the international conference, Paris, May 22-25, 1984 : Actas del coloquio internacional, Paris, 22-25 de mayo de 1984

A policy on geometric design of highways and streets [+]


  • American association of state highway and transportation officials

Mobilità ciclistica

guida per una corretta progettazione

  • Giuliani, Felice

Highway engineering

  • Hewes, Laurence I.

The fundamental principles of road engineering

a basic text book for engineering students

  • Priyani, V. B.

Route location and design

  • Hickerson, Thomas Felix

Primary route network

proceedings of the conference "Further developments for a primary route network", organized by the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in London on 4-5 March 1986

  • Conference "Further developments for a primary route network"

Presente e futuro delle Autostrade in Italia e Lombardia

atti del Convegno tenutosi a Milano il 13 febbraio 1989

The road and the vehicle

  • Manton, Basil George Grenville