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Risultati 20-40 di 454

Highway engineering handbook [+]

building and rehabilitating the infrastructure

Roadwork technology

  • Arnison, Joseph H.

Proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual meeting

held at Skirvin Hotel, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, January 25-28, 1946

  • National research council U.S.A.Highway research boardDivision of engineering and industrial research

Freeway characteristics, operations and accidents

11 reports presented at the 44th Annual Meeting, January 11-15, 1965

  • Highway research board

Perspectives de la recherche en matière de routes et de transports routiers

  • Organizzazione per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo economici

Route surveys

  • Skelton, Russell R.

Modern road emulsions

  • Road Emulsion Association Limited

Road engineering

  • Leeming, Ernest Leonard

Introduction to highway engineering

a textbook for students of civil engineering

  • Bateman, John H.

Tables de clothoïdes pour le raccordement des courbes

routes, canaux, chemins de fer

  • Schluck, H.