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Risultati 420-440 di 1064

Uruk Mesopotamia & its neighbors

cross-cultural interactions in the era of state formation

The first ninety years

a Sumerian celebration in honor of Miguel Civil

At the dawn of history

ancient Near Eastern studies in honour of J. N. Postgate

About Subartu

studies devoted to Upper Mesopotamia

L'age des echanges inter-iraniens

3500-1700 avant J. C.

  • Amiet, Pierre


l'apparition de l'etat, 7.-3. millénaires

  • Forest, Jean Daniel

L'Orient ancien et nous

l'écriture, la raison, les dieux

  • Bottéro, Jean

General studies

Excavations at Nuzi 9/3

Of pots and plans

papers on the archaeology and history of Mesopotamia and Syria presented to David Oates in honour of his 75. birthday

Excavations at Nippur

eleventh season

  • Gibson, McGuire

Joint expedition with the Iraq Museum at Nuzi 8.

the remaining major texts in the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago

  • Maidman, Maynard P.

Fouilles du Tépè-Giyan près de Néhavend, 1931 et 1932

Sondage du Tépé-Djamshidi - Sondage du Tépé-Bad-Hora, 1933. Note sur les têtes osseuses

  • Contenau, Georges

The archaeology of Western Iran

settlement and society from prehistory to the Islamic conquest