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Risultati 480-500 di 1064

Fragmenta Historiae Elamicae [+]

melanges offerts a M. J. Steve

Studies on the civilization and culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians

in honor of Ernest R. Lacheman on his seventy-fifth birthday, april 29, 1981

Uruk [+]

first city of the ancient world

The archaeology of Mesopotamia [+]

theories and approaches

  • Matthews, Roger J.

The Arjān tomb [+]

at the crossroads of the Elamite and the Persian empires

  • Alvarez-Mon, Javier

Luristani pictorial tombstones [+]

studies in nomadic cemeteries from northern Luristan, Iran

  • Demant Mortensen, Inge

Ancient Mesopotamia [+]

the Eden that never was

  • Pollock, Susan

Tell Es-Sawwan

the architecture of the sixth millennium B.C.

  • Youkana, Donny George

Collectanea orientalia

histoire, arts de l'espace et industrie de la terre : études offertes en hommage à Agnès Spycket

Herrschaftsform und Stadtbaukunst

Programmatik im mesopotamischen Residenzstadtbau von Agade bis Surra man ra'ā

  • Novák, Mirko

Ancient settlement in the Zammar Region

excavations by the British archaeological expedition to Iraq in the Saddam Dam salvage project, 1985-86

La Djéziré et l'Euphrate syriens de la protohistoire à la fin du 2. millénaire av. J.-C.

tendances dans l'interprétation historique des données nouvelles