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Risultati 160-180 di 4120

L'an 480


  • Baelen, Jean

Les origines de la science greque chez Homère

l'homme et l'univers physique

  • Mugler, Charles

The ten thousand

a study in social organization and action in Xenophon's Anabasis

  • Nussbaum, G.B.

Pseudo-Plutarchs Vita Homeri

Prolegomena zu einer kritischen Ausgabe

  • Person, Klaus Peter

Les origines de Thèbes

Cadmos et les Spartes

  • Vian, Francis

Alexander historiatus [+]

a guide to medieval illustrated Alexander literature

  • Ross, David John Athole

Leggere greco e latino fuori dai confini nel mondo antico

atti del I Congresso nazionale dell'Associazione italiana di cultura classica, Lecce 10-11 maggio 2008

  • Associazione italiana di cultura classica

Ancient Greece

from the Mycenaean palaces to the age of Homer

Remembering defeat

civil war and civic memory in ancient Athens

  • Wolpert, Andrew

Marine archaeology

proceedings of the twentythird symposium of the Colston research society held in the University of Bristol : April 4th to 8th, 1971

  • Colston research society

Neronia IV

Alejandro Magno, modelo de los emperadores romanos : actes du 4. Colloque international de la SIEN

  • Société internationale d'études néroniennes

The hellenistic world from Alexander to the Roman conquest

a selection of ancient sources in translation

  • Austin, Michel M.