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Risultati 60-80 di 4120

The Oxford classical dictionary [+]

[the ultimate reference work on the classical world]

Colloquium romanum

atti del 12. colloquio internazionale di micenologia, Roma, 20-25 febbraio 2006

  • Colloquio internazionale di micenologia 12 Roma 2006

Kleinfunde aus Tiryns

Terrakotta, Stein, Bein und Glas/Fayence vornehmlich aus der Spätbronzezeit

  • Rahmsorf, Lorenz

Transitions to empire

essays in Greco-Roman history, 360-146 B. C. in honor of E. Badian

Der verbannte Stratege

Xenophon und der Tod des Thukydides

  • Nickel, Rainer

Unthinking the greek polis

ancient greek history beyond eurocentrism

  • Vlassopoulos, Kostas


its history and remains

  • Alexander, John A.


the Helladic settlement preceding the Argive Heraeum

  • Blegen, Carl William 1887-1971

The Greek historians

  • Luce, Torrey James

Italia e Grecia

saggi su le due civiltà e i loro rapporti attraverso i secoli

Conon the Athenian

warfare and politics in the Aegean, 414-386 B.C.

  • Asmonti, Luca