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Risultati 860-880 di 4120

Antigonos Gonatas

  • Tarn, William Woodthorpe

The Greek commonwealth

politics and economics in fifth-century Athens

  • Zimmern, Alfred

Pylos comes alive

industry + administration in a Mycenaean palace : papers of a symposium sponsored by the Archaeological Institute of America regional symposium fund ... [et al.]

Greek Romans and Roman Greeks

studies in cultural interaction

  • Ostenfeld, Erik Nis

Philologos Dionysios

mélanges offerts au professeur Denis Knoepfler

Cities called Athens

studies honoring John McK. Camp II

Athènes devant la dèfaite de 404

histoire d'une crise idéologique

  • Lévy, Edmond

Mycènes-Épidaure, Argos-Tirynthe-Nauplie

un guide complet des musées et des sites archéologiques de l'Argolide

  • Iakovidis, Spyros E.

The birth of Athenian democracy

the assembly in the fifth century B.C.

  • Starr, Chester G.


essays in Mediterranean archaeology : presented to Matti Egon by the scholars of the Greek Archaeological Committee UK

Mykenische Opfergaben

nach Aussage der Linear B-Texte

  • Weilhartner, Jörg