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Risultati 840-860 di 4120

Tractata Mycenaea

proceedings of the eighth International colloquium on Mycenaean studies, held in Ohrid, 15-20 September 1985

  • International colloquium on Mycenaean studies 8. Ohrid 1985

Athens comes of age

from Solon to Salamis


its genesis and early history

  • Ostwald, Martin

I mille volti del passato

scritti in onore di Francesca Ghedini

The arrival of the Greeks

the evidence from the settlements

  • Royen, René A. van

The Neolithic and Bronze Ages

  • Immerwahr, Sara Anderson

Gli spartani

  • Hooker, James T.

Die Kultur des klassischen Altertums

Die Kultur der Griechen. Die Kultur der Römer

  • Gigon, Olof

Krieg - Diplomatie - Ideologie

zur Aussenpolitik hellenistischer Mittelstaaten

  • Koehn, Clemens