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Risultati 120-140 di 3085

A time for truth

  • Simon, William E.

Grand strategy

principles and practices

  • Collins, John M.

American enterprise

the rise of US commerce

  • Cramer, Clarence H.

Chinese exclusion versus the open door policy, 1900-1906

clashes over China policy in the Roosevelt era

  • McKee, Delber L.

Preparing for the next war

American plans for postwar defense, 1941-45

  • Sherry, Michael S.

Dove va l'America

  • Mammarella, Giuseppe 1929-

American economic growth

an economistʼs history of the United States

Is America different?

a new look at American exceptionalism

The age of diminished expectations [+]

Us policy in the 1990s

  • Krugman, Paul R.

Do taxes matter?

the impact of the Tax Reform Act of 1986

Strategies of containment

a critical appraisal of postwar American national security policy

  • Gaddis, John Lewis

The declining hegemon

the United States and european defense : 1960-1990

  • Lepgold, Joseph

Fierce communion

family and community in early America

  • Wall, Helena M.

Roosevelt and romanism

Catholics and American diplomacy, 1937-1945

  • Flynn, George Q.

Turmoil and triumph

my years as secretary of state

  • Shultz, George Pratt

Risultati 120-140 di 3085