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Risultati 40-60 di 3085

War and politics

  • Brodie, Bernard 1910-

The American Constitution

an annotated bibliography

  • JANOSIK, Robert Joseph

The Iran-United States claims tribunal

the first ten years: 1981-1991 : an assessment of the tribunal's jurisprudence and its contribution to international arbitration

  • Mapp, Wayne Daniel

Controlling the Sword

The Democratic Governance of National Security

  • Russett, Bruce

The iron curtain

Churchill, America, and the origins of the cold war

  • Harbutt, Fraser J.

The constitution of the United States [+]

a guide and bibliography to current scholary research

  • Reams, Bernard D.

Il mondo di Obama

2008-2016 : l'America nello scenario globale

America first [+]

da George Washington a Donald Trump

  • Mammarella, Giuseppe 1929-

Europe, America, Bush

transatlantic relations in the twenty-first century

Fra Toscana e Stati Uniti

il discorso politico nell'età della costituzione americana : atti del Convegno Pensiero politico toscano e pensiero politico-istituzionale americano : Firenze, 28-30 novembre 1986

  • Convegno Pensiero politico toscano e pensiero politico-istituzionale americano Firenze 1986

The United States Senate, 1787-1801

a dissertation on the first fourteen years of the upper legislative body

  • Swanstrom, Roy

Bound to lead

the changing nature of american power

  • Nye, Joseph S.

Redefining the first freedom

the Supreme Court and the consolidation of state power

  • Ivers, Gregg

Unlocking the files of the FBI

a guide to its records and classification system

  • Haines, Gerald K.

The flawed architect

Henry Kissinger and American foreign policy

  • Hanhimäki, Jussi M.